Evolving Capabilities of the MAGTF: Case Study of the F-35 and HIMARS

The Marine Corps is being shaped for the transition from a slow motion ground war to higher intensity warfare.

This reshaping is being driven by the new aviation assets, the introduction of broad range digital interoperability within the MAGTF and by evolving concepts of operations associated with distributed warfare.

At the heart of the transition is an ability to leverage all of the key combat assets, ground, sea or in the air and to deliver a force able to operate in the distributed battlespace.

Last August, Lt. General (Retired) Davis, former Deputy Commandant of Aviation, highlighted the nature of the transition as applied to the electronic warfare case.

He described the USMC transition from a core aircraft delivering an EW effect to building out the MAGTF to include ubiquitous access to non-kinetic electronic warfare capabilities.

The core approach going forward is very clear.Read Full Article »

Source: www.realcleardefense.com