Shocking discovery could change war forever

Shocking discovery could change war forever

The discovery of a super-material that is both light and can stop bullets has massive ramifications for the future of warfare.

As we reported recently, scientists City University of New York’s Advanced Science Research Center have just stumbled upon an incredible finding of a material that is both lightweight and is powerful enough to stop bullets. But it’s the implications for future warfare that make the combination of two graphene layers into a sturdy material a truly shattering find.

The scientists combined two layers of graphene, no more and no less, to form a material that is as thin as aluminum foil, but suddenly becomes hard and rigid when put under immense pressure such as if a speeding bullet struck it. That means future troops could wear lightweight material that doesn’t drag them down, but they’re protected if someone takes a shot at them.

It’s a discovery that could lead to an era of supersoldiers, as troops could charge into battle without fear of being struck by projectiles. Such troops would be much more agile and be able to move across greater distances because they wouldn’t have to carry as much weight, as they do today with heavy kevlar armor.

This particular graphene material, also known as diamene, could also conceivably be used as a protective coating to prevent wear and tear, which again would have potential military applications. Law enforcement could also use the material, or private security firms.

Much research work remains to be done before troops are putting on “body armor” made from graphene, but certainly it’s something that the defense industry will watch with interest.
