MOSCOW, August 1. /TASS/. The armor based on the Armata, Kurganets and Bumerang platforms will excel existing models by 20% in terms of its service life and reliability, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov said on Wednesday."The standardized Armata, Kurganets and Bumerang platforms that have been developed show that they will excel the existing models by 20% in terms of their service life and reliability," the deputy defense minister said on the eve of Logistics Troops Day celebrated on August 1.Currently, active work is underway to create promising models of logistic support hardware, the deputy defense minister said.The delivery of modern hardware with the increased load capacity to the troops has boosted the transport capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces, the deputy defense minister said.Thus, the lifting capacity of automotive vehicles has risen by 30% and support vessels by 40%, he said.From 2012 to 2016, more than 7,500 motor vehicles of logistics units were equipped with the GLONASS automated satellite navigation system, he noted.Over five years, the auxiliary fleet has taken the delivery of more than 60 new modern vessels, including floating cranes with a hoisting capacity of up to 150 tonnes. The railway troops have been provided with more than 300 pieces of highly efficient engineering equipment that meets the most advanced standards, Bulgakov said.In 2015-2016, two separate repair and evacuation regiments and five missile maintenance centers were included in the structure of Russia’s military districts, the deputy defense minister said."This helped created district-wide pools of logistic support manpower and equipment. Simultaneously, the capabilities for the evacuation and repair of equipment increased by 20% (from 4,300 items per day to 5,300 items) and the potential for missile transportation and maintenance grew by 50%," the deputy defense minister said.