U.S. reveals ‘Flying Ginsu’ missile which cuts down targets, reduces collateral damage

The United States has developed an awesome new weapon for killing high-value targets without causing extensive collateral damage, and it has already proven itself in at least five countries.

The United States has developed an awesome new weapon for killing high-value targets without causing extensive collateral damage, and it has already proven itself...

The missile, which is dubbed the R9X “Flying Ginsu,” is a non-explosive missile which kills the enemy target with kinetic energy and six blades.

The missile was developed “for the express purpose of reducing civilian casualties,” and is known for pinpoint accuracy.

According to Business Insider, the R9X has seen successful action in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen, with one notable kill being the USS Cole bombing mastermind, Jamal al-Badawi.

The missile resembles an AGM-114 Hellfire, and represents the USA’s commitment to reducing unnecessary civilian casualties.

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